Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation, along with a portion of Chapter 7.

In type like Joseph rejected by his brethren, who brought great blessing upon the Gentiles as the savior of life, Jesus Christ now turns again to reveal himself to his brethren as 2nd in command in the entire World, able to judge as He desires. Jesus Christ, in the 13th chapter of Matthew, begins moving His attention off the Nation of Israel to a mysterious new Nation with a heavenly calling. Now having been disguised and thought dead all these years, begins to reveal Himself to Israel, in the Covenant of Marvels, EXODUS 34:10…which is now to be manifest.


First Seal opened in Revelation 6:1; the 7th Seal in 8:1.

The Sixth Chapter of Revelation is the further detail of events first seen in Daniel 7. That is to say, the investiture of Jesus Christ, the Son of God/the Son of Man as the Judge of the Earth and heavens above. [John 5:27]

The Book with its Seals, being passed from the Father to the Son, has in it the final purposes of God at the end time. Its Seals relate to the destruction of the final and fourth Beast and his kingdom and the establishment of Christ and His holy ones. That is to say in the Church of God, which should be defined generally as all the Seed/seed of Abraham, in that Kingdom without end.

So it is we see that Daniel says that on the Earth, in the end time, we have the rise of the little horn, the blasphemer and saint-persecuting anti-Christ and his conquering and evolving Worldwide kingdom. (Daniel 7:7,8) This can be equated or correspond with the first 4 Seals’ openings. Read Matthew 24:4-8 with Luke 21:9,10. While Daniel 7 verses 9 & 10 tells us at that time there is the setting up of a Throne above in the heavens unseen by human eyes, on which the Ancient of Days sits. And Judgment is given to the Son of Man. Verses 13,14 (Revelation 5) In Daniel 7, verse 11, it’s said he “….beheld until even the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.”

A brief interpretation of Daniel 7 is given in verses 17& 18: These great Beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth: but the saints of the most high (places) shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.”

 *And in verse 27, we have the including of the future earthly ruling party in that Millennial Kingdom. And the reestablishing of the Jew and Israel…And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. Hitherto is the end of the matter….”

Thus is the revealing of the burden and final results of the opening of the Seals. The fullness of which The Lord’s Prayer has in view…. “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…and do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one” Rsv.

*Tregelles on Daniel pages 44,45.

NOTE: It should be clear from Scripture both in Daniel and Revelation that the career of the “little horn” is much longer than 3 ½ years, as this is the time allotted in his severe persecution of the Church of God. Previously we note in Daniel that this 3 ½ years is the latter half of a seven year period. (Daniel 9:27) This period begins with that “…covenant with death, and with hell …” that the leaders of Israel make with the little horn. [Isaiah 28:14,15] (Compare with 4th seal). And before that, no doubt, time should be afforded for his rise in power and defeat of 3 of the 10 confederate horns, and becoming preeminent in the World.

So we summarize and pass over quickly the first 4 Seals as that time of distressful circumstances, foretold by Jesus as birth pains and beginnings of sorrows. These times are answerable to the rise of the “little horn” who is that “Beast” raised from the Abyss, with whom truly that covenant of death and hell refers to. He will be brought up thence by satan empowered with his supernatural strength and wisdom. [Revelation 17:8-11 12:17 13:2]

In studying the visions of Daniel and John it seems most important to determine the point at which the “little horn” establishes his reign and begins to persecute the “Church” of God. This establishes the point of his 3 ½ year reign, and thereby assists in establishing the various other scenes.


Here in Revelation chapter 6 verse 9 we have seal 5 being opened. This is where John sees then the souls of martyred men crying out below the altar to be now avenged. They are in type, ‘whole burnt offerings’ of devotion. They are told, “….that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” Here then is the point where the Beast has begun his great persecution of the godly.

Reflective of the change of dispensation from Grace and Mercy to Judgment, where now Jesus Christ is exercising Judgment in the earth. Before it would have been out of dispensation character for the martyrs’ to be calling for the avenging of their blood. But now with both His Covenant peoples rejecting Him, the Covenant in the Earth reverts to Noah’s.  [Genesis 9:1-17, see verses 5&6] The Great Tribulation, that Time of Great Temptation, was just commencing and they now must be quiet but for a little season. Just a short time, as those who would be slain in that short period (3 ½ yrs) shall be joining them.

A WORD OF ANCIENT CHURCH UNDERSTANDING OF THESE UNDER THE ALTAR The alter is the earth: the brazen alter of burnt offering and the golden altar of the incense in the Tabernacle correspond to earth and heaven respectively. The souls under the altar, therefore, are in Hades, in that department of it which is ‘remote from pains and fires, the rest of the saints’”.  Thus writes the earliest known commentator on the Book of Revelation, Victorinus of Pettau who died in 303.

The understanding is very simple, the brazen alter was square and “…hollow with boards shalt thou make it:…”  [Exodus 27:8] That is to say under it, above the hollow was the grate on which the animal sacrifice and wood rested. What remained of the sacrifice dropped below the grate into the hollow. This is typical of the offering up of God’s people in devotion, and that being upon the earth’s altar. And that void below has Hades in view, where all departed souls descend. Where also Christ descended and alone ascended, and where all godly are now. They are  not reigning with Christ as most suppose, but awaiting the First Resurrection, to be removed from thence and be gloriously clothed. This was the view of the early church, and very few (if any) believed Christ removed the godly dead upon His Resurrection.

Thus from this part of John’s vision in Chapter 6 we see:

  1. Godly souls yet disembodied and conscious [See Psalms 63:9, Acts 2:29]
  2. The First Resurrection is yet to come as it did not happen at the beginning of the 7 year agreement, nor has it happened yet here at the middle of Tribulation at the setting up of the Throne and the First Fruits offering of the Man-Child. But it is yet future as this is seen from the 5th Seal’s revealing of these worthies still in Hades and told to rest/ be quiet a short season (3 ½ yrs) till at the end of the Tribulation at Christ’s Return to the Earth. Then they, with those fellow servants and their brethren killed during that Great Tribulation be then raised, with them, out from among the dead at the First Resurrection. [Revelation 14:12,13 with 20:4-6]
  3. For these (at least,…but we think ALL) who have died have stood before the Judgment Seat of Christ, as they are seen having passed His approval and are assured of their soon coming glorious estate, to which the white robes necessarily speak. Compare Revelation 3:4,5 19:8.

Not any of the first 5 seals deal with any judgments manifest to mankind’s eyes in the heavens, but only on the earth.

THE SIXTH SEAL Revelation 6:12 with Matthew 24:29,30

This seal reveals the heart of mankind. This seal gives to earth a foreshadowing and foretaste of its doom. It is not yet the end, though many anticipate that it is. Soon their fears will subside, and will grow hard of heart when Jesus does not show Himself (yet). [Luke 21:28] This Seal answers to Sinai of old. In its assembly, in its earthquake, in its purposes; that being Covenant giving and fear of God. After this Seal is opened, the God-fearing Jew will recognize the Hand of God by what they observe in the heavens . [Matthew 16:1] And fearfully they will begin to seek God earnestly, and these by His Grace. [Matthew 27:54, Acts16:20]

The Earth dwellers, many nominal Christians, are also gathered together in fear, as much of mankind will flee to the hills, dens and caves, crying for the rocks to fall upon them to escape the then perceived coming wrath of Him that sits on the Throne. [Isaiah 13:9-13, 34:1-4] As the sign of the Son of man shall then appear in the heavens. [Luke 21:27, Isaiah 2:19-22] The sign of the great day of His wrath is shown….and who shall be able to stand?  This is the question posed by those who rightly discern the sign (Malachi 3:2) but not the time they believe/perceive, that the Great Day of wrath is upon them. It is not yet, as the preceding words to the souls under the alter show. (Who may stand? The answer is in the next chapter.)

It is the time of “….after this I will return…” [Acts 15:16] “After this” is drawing close. The Lord now begins to focus His attention on the Jews. Joel 2:27-32 (read) is now to be filled with its fullness of meaning. The latter Rain of the Spirit will fall on the Jewish remnant “…..whom the Lord shall call.” And that by the means before us. These that call upon the Lord answer to those of the sealing of the 144,000 Jews. [Revelation 7:4-8] And that after the opening of the 6th Seal and before the 7th Seal is opened, “…Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” 7:3

These are like unto Ezekiel’s visions, starting with that of the Judgment Throne being set then. Chapter 1, where he sees the Tribunal Throne of God, chapters 2, 3, from where he was instructed to eat of the scroll written within and without:….lamentations, and mourning, and woe.” Upon faithless Israel …chapters 4, 5, 6:8 Yet will I leave a remnant….” 7:19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed…”

Then in chapter 8 Ezekiel “….is lifted up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem.…” where he sees all the abominations of Israel, the harbinger of the end time nation and people of Israel.  And finally in Ezekiel 9, the sealing which is the “type” before us in Revelation 7:3.  (The earthly kingdom’s First Fruits). And the Lord said unto him, go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity.”