Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 46-48


Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 12,13,14,16,18, Isaiah 47-48

The future judgment of Revelation 14:8 goes along with the ancient judgment pronounced upon Babylon in Isaiah 48 & 49 where a certain Angel announces, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, that hath made all the nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,” This Angel was the 2nd in a series of Angelic declarations. One thing we need to note is that this Babylon’s falling preceded the next Angel’s warning to all on the earth, not to take the mark of the Beast. Including the saints on the Earth, in that now they would need great patience, even unto death. The sequence of the Angels and their declarations shows that the Babylon here, falls before the Beast’s demand for worship and persecution of those who refuse it. We don’t discover here what Babylon this is, but in the 17th Chapter it is uncovered. It is Mystery Babylon the Great (a secret association with Babylon/Babel). It is shown as a Woman who then is riding on the Beast.

That same Beast who later, casting off any pretense of intent in his accelerated purpose, and his confederation of 10 nations destroy the Woman.

This Woman is characterized in Scripture as an immoral system like a Harlot, and additionally a city representative of her, this being Rome. But there remains thereafter in Scripture another Babylon, the great City, yet to be destroyed at the end of the Great Tribulation 3 ½ years later. [Revelation 13:5] The destruction of the City Babylon is also mentioned in Revelation 16:18,19 whose end time nature and part are fully described in chapter 18.


Today’s Babylon has TWO FRONTS on which it fights. The mystical heavenly front that has to do with the Body of Christ, and the earthly front that has to do with Israel. Earthly Babylon is simply bent on the destruction of Israel, as it is Israel that God has appointed to be the agent to rule upon the Earth. And as the Earth is ruled by Gentiles, in the power of satan, it is simple to see that if Israel is wiped off the face of the Earth, then the Gentile Nations will continue to rule in the power of satan.

In the context of God’s appointed authority in the Earth, Israel, we discover the further related plan of God of a heavenly body of authority in the heavens associated with this Earth. In that as satan has been rejected as unworthy and incapable of ruling in this World, that is to say in the heavenly sphere, where he and his fallen angels now are the incumbent rulers, or in the earthly sphere where they now rule through the Gentile Nations. The Gentile Nations keeping Israel from their inheritance safeguards their current position of ruling in the earth. Likewise, the destruction of Christ’s faithful/the New Man by Mystical Babylon safeguards the heavenly realm for its satanic forces, for the New Man is appointed to rule in the heavenly realm, replacing the satanic forces from ruling there. The Last Days (last 7 years) predicts the great success and great failure of these endeavors, spoken of here in Isaiah 47 and 48 as well as in past chapters 13 & 14.

In this understanding we can see the two-fold Parousia of Christ. That is, in His appearance in the “air” (which is likened to as a thief) and on the Earth (as lightening in the sky). At the time of His Investiture as King, His Kingdom “coming” will begin with Him coming from Heaven to the “air”. That is into that “heavenly Kingdom”. Which is to simply say; authority in the heavens above the Earth, that Kingdom He came and preached to Israel. That unseen heavens associated with this World/Earth, in secret, where He will bring His living contingent of faithful watching and praying followers suddenly, up into that realm, unto Him. [Revelation 3:10] It is to there that Mystic Babylon resists any to come. Simply that if the fullness of the Gentiles, as it relates to the heavenly kingdom, is thwarted, satan’s kingdom remains intact. Intact here in the heavenlies associated with the Earth, as it would in the case on the Earth, with the elimination of the Israelites/Jews.

It is in the 17 and 18th chapters of Revelation that we discover these two aspects of Babylon: The ecclesiastical and the governmental arms of Babylon working together to accomplish satan’s goal of resisting God’s plan in this World. It is in these two chapters of Revelation we see the fulfilling of the Words of Isaiah and Jeremiah 50 and 51, in the last 7 years of this Dispensation, where Babylon in its two forms are finally judged. In the 17th Chapter in its first aspect or character, the Harlot Woman who represents Mystic Babylon is ultimately destroyed by the Beast/Anti-Christ she rides upon, and by the 10 Nation confederation who despises her.

Her usefulness is now lost; as the man-child has now been delivered up into the “air”, the heavens associated with this World. And as a result, the serpent/satan is cast out of that realm, down to the Earth. He now focuses his attention entirely upon the saints on the Earth. And to that end he enlists the supernatural assistance of the resurrected dead, specifically, the Beast of the Abyss. And as his reign is limited to a 3 ½ year period, they know their time is short. So with great fervor they cast off all pretenses of the Mystic Babylon and advance their evil designs of the destruction of Israel by the now powerful Government Arm of Babylon in their confederation of Nations joined with the supernatural forces of the unleashed under-world. [Revelation 12 & 13]

This Babylon is Babylon the Ancient City, but with a ruler now from the Abyss. The purpose is to prevent Jesus Christ from asserting the dominion which He presently possesses and to stop Israel from exercising dominion over the Land, which the Gentile Nations have had under their authority for 2500 years. This is the last days’ plan of satan. This plan leads these enemies of God to Armageddon, where God promises to cast the Anti-Christ and false prophet alive into the Lake of Fire. Thus, will be the eternal complete destruction of Babylon, the Governmental Arm, along with the predicted eternal destruction of the City of Babylon, that goes with them. Swallowed up by the Earth into perdition, only to be inhabited hereafter by demons.

Thus satan’s loss of both realms; he then is bound and cast into the Abyss.

The end of the Age of Mercy and Grace: God has called out the Bride for Christ, and now they rule in that heavenly realm taking the place of angelic forces (both good and evil) in this World in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Now the Age of Justice on the Earth: God’s faithful Israelite sons, both living and raised from the dead, now take their rightful place. Where Gentiles ruled, now Israel is preeminent in the Earth. They will rule over the Gentiles. The Millennium begins.

The Gentiles have not understood their opportunity brought about in the hardness of Israel. They have not understood the heavenly high calling, rejected by Israel 2000 years ago, into which they have been called. They have not understood the calling to separate themselves from the World and pursue the realm and home promised in the heavens associated with ruling over this Earth.

The understanding is typed in Israel’s call out of Egypt into the land of Canaan. That was an inheritance that included the earth, that the antitype for Christians is an heavenly kingdom. The ones resisting the Israelites taking their inheritance were the Gentile Nations. And the ones resisting Christians going in and possessing their land are fallen angels. And as the Israelites were commanded to overcome the Gentile nations and posses the Land, so in the antitype Christians are commanded to overcome that influence of the Mystic Babylon. Commanded to overcome those spiritual forces, that appeal to the flesh with this World’s pleasures.

Israel’s warfare on the earth is representative of a Christian’s warfare in the heavenly realm. It is this successful warfare for a Christian that avails unto the PRIZE of that high calling. Those of the First Fruits obtained unto the calling of the heavens, in that they were that faithful contingent, free from the Harlot’s grasp, caught up while alive, at the time of Mystic Babylon’s destruction. Then there are those Christians who were not untethered from the Harlot’s sensuous clutch that must remain and face the fierce Anti Christ and Babylon in her war against the remaining Saints. These remaining saint being both old and new converts who now must overcome the personified forces of evil in that 3 ½ year period. Not by resisting but overcoming as enduring witnesses of Jesus Christ in the very real threat of death every day.

Those who are living and endure faithfully till the end, when the literal city of Babylon is swallowed up by the earth, (Revelation 18) will be caught up alive with those faithful among the dead. This is the prize of the First resurrection. [Revelation 14:8-16, Philippians 3:11, 1 Corinthians 15:52-55, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17] And they will join the Lord and the First Fruits in the AIR, in the heavens just above this Earth, as the Bride of Christ. Called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 1-9) just before His manifest presence on the Earth itself. His comes as the heavens open up to the sight and as lightening He appears with all His Saints, to the battle of Armageddon. [Revelation 19:11]

“Let the Godly gird up his loins like a man, let him arm himself with the mind of Christ to suffer in the flesh and strengthen himself in the Grace that is in him. And let him do this while liberty is his, or ever the Harlot shall mount the Beast.”