Welcome to For His Glory TX
Unleavened Teachings from Mike Balloun
With Over 700+ Video Teachings On YouTube
The goal of the teachings here at For His Glory TX are to encourage, exhort, and awaken the church to not just rest in the finished work of Christ. The emphasis is to go beyond justification and on into sanctification, practically applying the Word of God, crucifying the flesh, carrying our cross, bearing fruit, and conforming into the image of Christ. We want to inspire believers to be Overcomers and to attain unto the high calling of Brideship.
For His Glory TX is More Than Teaching, It’s Training.
Arm yourself spiritually with the wisdom of the Word found in these videos. The subjects range from The Types and Shadows Found In The Torah, to the difference between The GIFT and The PRIZE (eternal life vs eternal glory), The Judgement Seat of Christ, The Rapture (First-fruits Harvest), Qualifying To Be A Part Of The Bride and Of The First Resurrection, The Heavenly and Earthly Millennial Kingdom, Where the Soul Goes Upon Death, and The Eternal Kingdom of God (Restitution of All Things).
“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” 1st Corinthians 16:13-14
The Law of LOVE
Diligently Study The Scriptures Daily.
In Acts 17:10-11 we are given the example by the Bereans who were “more noble-minded” than their neighbors of Thessalonica. They received the word with “all readiness” to see if indeed the things preached were so. As the Bereans did, so should we.