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The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 5

By |February 3rd, 2018|

THE REVELATION OF DANIEL The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 5 THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL A Warning for Us Today Belshazzar means prince of Bel. The indiscernible dual language of writing of immediate judgment is in answer to the final assize (writ of judgement) for the blasphemous drinking [...]

The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 4

By |January 27th, 2018|

THE REVELATION OF DANIEL The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 4 NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S PERSONAL TESTIMONY A Testimony to the One Who Fears God and a Witness Against Those Who Don’t There are similarities of man’s condition described here in Nebuchadnezzar’s life to those of another great King, Solomon. When Ecclesiastes [...]

The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 3

By |January 20th, 2018|

THE REVELATION OF DANIEL The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 3 PASSING THROUGH THE FIERY FURNACE   In this powerful lesson, Mike talks about how Shadrach, Mishach, and Abednego (Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) reused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's Golden Image, even unto the threat of death in a [...]

The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 2

By |January 13th, 2018|

THE REVELATION OF DANIEL The Revelation of Daniel Chapter 2 NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S DREAM OF THE METALLIC IMAGE [Read Daniel 2:36-49] Our purpose again is to rightly comprehend the prophetic Words of Jesus Christ both in the Gospels and the Book of Revelation in the light of the Book of [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 66

By |December 23rd, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 66 THE PRESUMPTUOUSNESS OF ISRAEL AND CHRISTENDOM Luke 13:23-28, 1 Corinthians 3:12-13, 10:6, Matthew 5-7, 13:49-50 Keeping in mind a truth principle; that the Promised Land (Israel) is representative of the Kingdom of God. It is this that is always threatened [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 64

By |December 9th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 64 JERUSALEM TRODDEN DOWN BY GENTILES Luke 21:20-28, Isaiah 1:9, Zechariah 13:8-9, Psalm 83:1-5 Luke 21:22 “For these be the days of vengeance…” The “days of Vengeance” referred to here by our Lord are NOT specific references to the days leading [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 62-63

By |December 2nd, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 62-63 THE THREE GATHERINGS Deuteronomy 31:29-30, John 15, Daniel 12:1-3, Zechariah 14, Mark 4:29 The Agricultural symbolism of the First-fruits Gathering, the Harvest Gathering, and the Gathering of the Vintage for the Winepress of the Wrath of God. Isaiah 63:1-4 “Who [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 61

By |November 25th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 61 THE ORDER OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION Luke 4:18-19, Hebrews 10:5-13, 30; Isaiah 26:20-21, Revelation 11:15 ISAIAH 61  A Summary of the Order of the Book of Revelation/The Significance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and How the Blowing of [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 60

By |November 18th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 60 THE FIRST RESURRECTION, ARISE AND SHINE 1 Corinthians 15:49, 52, Matthew 13:43, Daniel 12:2-3, Philippians 3:11, 20-21 Verses 1 and 2: “Arise and shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, [...]


By |November 11th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE [Excerpt from Isaiah Chapter 58-59] THE TWO RAPTURES IN A NUTSHELL 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, Revelation 12,14, 15:16, 19, Philippians 3:11-14, Ecclesiastes 12:7 This is a portion of Brother Mike’s teaching from Isaiah 58-59. At the end of the original lesson, Mike was [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 58-59

By |November 11th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 58-59 ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS, HE WILL REPAY Acts 13:46, 15:14, Hebrews 7:11, Zechariah 12:9, 14:3, Romans 11:26 The 58th Chapter is a continued rebuke and exhortation to the religious Jews who are described as hypocritical, covetous and oppressive. To this [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 57

By |October 28th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 57 THE BODY AFTER DEATH 1 Corinthians 15:35-44, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Phil 3:21 Isaiah 57:1-2 “The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 56

By |October 21st, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 56 The Call to Watchfulness and Faithfulness Revelation 3:10, 16:15, Mark 13:34-37, Luke 12:35-40 Verse 1 “THUS saith the Lord, Keep ye judgment (equity), and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed.” What [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 55

By |October 14th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 55 THE SURE MERCIES OF DAVID Galatians 4:22-27, Hebrews 3:1, 11:10,16, 12:22, Revelation 21-22 Overlaying Isaiah 55 with Revelation 22 Verse 1 is an invitation to ALL who have a spiritual thirst and hunger to come and be satisfied by buying [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 54

By |October 7th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 54 THE HEAVENLY CITY / NEW JERUSALEM Galatians 4:22-27, Hebrews 3:1, 11:10,16, 12:22, Revelation 21-22 Isaiah 54 opens with the prophetic result of Isaiah 53:10,11 wherein the Father was pleased in the offering of the Soul of His Servant/Son. That is [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 52-53

By |September 30th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 52-53 THE DAY OF ATONEMENT The Day of the Lord: A Day of Vengeance for Some and a Jubilee for Others. Psalm 22, Isaiah 61:2, 1 John 3:8, Hebrews 2:14, Leviticus 16, 23:26-32 Isaiah 52:10-15 with Isaiah 53…. In the light [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 51-52

By |September 23rd, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 51-52 THE GREATER MILLENNIAL INHERITANCE Genesis 12:7, Ezekiel 36:21-33, Romans 11:25-27 The last verses of Isaiah 51 (verses 21-23) with chapter 52, verses 1-10 speak of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ with the binding of satan and the casting of [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 50-51

By |September 16th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 50-51 LOOKING TO ABRAHAM Exodus 34:10, Matthew 10:28, Galatians 3:16, Numbers 14:11 The continued subject is the just rejection of the nation for their continued transgressions; past, present and future; for the breaking of the law of Covenant. This is the [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 49

By |September 9th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 49 JESUS - SERVANT & PRINCE OF GOD To Establish Israel and Bring in the Gentiles Daniel 7:9-14, Psalm 2:8-9, Zechariah 9:9, Luke 1:31-33, Matthew 21:43, Revelation 4:2 ISAIAH 49: JESUS, SERVANT/PRINCE OF GOD His purpose in coming was to establish [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 46-48

By |September 2nd, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 46-48 THE TWO BABYLONS Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 12,13,14,16,18, Isaiah 47-48 The future judgment of Revelation 14:8 goes along with the ancient judgment pronounced upon Babylon in Isaiah 48 & 49 where a certain Angel announces, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great, [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapters 44-45

By |August 26th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapters 44-45 CLAY IN THE POTTER'S HANDS Daniel 12:1, Hebrews 1:8, 2 Peter 2:7-9, Revelation 4-5,7 ISAIAH 44 & 45 CLAY IN THE POTTER’S HANDS: Are We Yielded Vessels to our Maker? We spoke before how Isaiah 43:1’s “But Now….” precedes comforting [...]

Isaiah’s End-time Timeline Chapter 43

By |August 19th, 2017|

ISAIAH'S END-TIME TIMELINE Isaiah's End-time Timeline Chapter 43 THE INVESTITURE OF JESUS CHRIST Genesis 22:17, Zechariah 12:10, Daniel 2, Revelation 4-5, 12 ISAIAH 43:1 “But NOW….”.... refers to the fury of God brought out in Chapter 42 and directly back to verses 24 & 25. Which answers to, [...]

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