

By |2021-03-19T15:46:34-05:00December 22nd, 2018|INCENTIVIZED TO OVERCOME, Teachings, Videos, YouTube|

CREATION versus RE-CREATION Distinguishing Re-Creation from Creation.  Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heaven(s) and the earth.” The existence of a pre-Adam World is discovered in the description of the Creation being revealed in a uninhabitable condition in Verse 2… “And the earth was* (became) without **form (Tohu), and **void (Bohu); and [...]


By |2021-03-19T15:45:42-05:00December 8th, 2018|INCENTIVIZED TO OVERCOME, Teachings, Videos, YouTube|

AN INTRODUCTION TO THE UPCOMING BOOK “ INCENTIVIZED TO OVERCOME - A SYLLABUS TO AWAKEN FROM SPIRITUAL APATHY”  *Note: The goal is to complete the book within a year’s time, God willing.    This work is intended as an outline for Bible teachers to restore the Foundational Truths of the Scriptures lost to Christians. We say [...]

What the Holy Spirit Says to the Church

By |2021-02-20T14:45:01-06:00September 29th, 2018|Teachings, Videos, YouTube|

HEAR WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYS TO THE CHURCHES:  “I, the Lord God Almighty, maker of the natural heavens and the earth, and Creator of all the fullness there of, have a Word to speak to all My churches on the earth in this hour, prior to my sending you, My chosen people:  My only [...]

Finish the Race

By |2021-03-19T15:44:12-05:00September 22nd, 2018|Teachings, Videos, YouTube|

Entered-Run-Finish the Race  (past-present-future tenses)  Accepting the Reality of What We’ve Been Exposed to…  Our beliefs are what they are. The sum total of our beliefs forms our overall philosophy or as Brother Jim said ‘our essence’. Consciously[un], anything that doesn’t align with our philosophy, we quickly dismiss or ignore. We search for any plausible [...]

God’s Grammar

By |2021-03-19T15:43:07-05:00September 15th, 2018|Teachings, Videos, YouTube|

The Biblical Grammar of Our Christian Faith  The Will of God is, first of all, to justify every man of faith. In order that He might, secondly, sanctify those who believe in the True Word of His only begotten Son, Jesus (the Savior, Lord, and Bridegroom). Third of all, so that, after our “every day [...]

The New Testament Holy Spirit Dynamic

By |2021-03-19T15:40:57-05:00September 1st, 2018|Teachings, Videos, YouTube|

THE ECONOMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE                                          The text is John Chapters 15 & 16….   “It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” This then is that [...]

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