The Biblical Grammar of Our Christian Faith 

The Will of God is, first of all, to justify every man of faith. In order that He might, secondly, sanctify those who believe in the True Word of His only begotten Son, Jesus (the Savior, Lord, and Bridegroom). Third of all, so that, after our every day death of the fleshborn self (psuchei), every man, by this threefold atoning process, is perfected by God in love! [1 John 1:7-10, 1 John 2:3-6; John 3:5-7] 

He forgives us from our sins, then He cleanses us from all unrighteousness, then He perfects us in love as His Glorious Bride. That threefold process qualifies each man to be and to become the joyful Wife of the Lamb. (True Christians abide inviolate with Him forever and ever, world without end!) 

That process in time, on earth is our True Righteousness, which God has wrought for us, and in us, and through us to others, without our keeping any law, whether that Law was spoken and written by God Himself, or by the wisdom and labor of man or by their governments. We Christians are truly Alive by that Spiritual Law in Heaven, for we have been born from above. We have been regenerated by Christs Blood, whereby we are Spirit born (justified by faith). Then daily we are Spirit filled (emptied of our former self walking in the flesh, for we have died to our Old Man which derived from Adams sin), and we also are led of the Spirit (walking in love to God (worship), and in love to our neighbor (manifesting Jesus). [Romans 3:20-31] 

For salvation is a redeeming process, actively initiated by God Himself, according to His own Heavenly unconditional love (agape) toward His beloved children. Born again is our foundation in Jesus Christ, and it is the source of our Spiritual worship to Almighty God. Nonetheless it is not our complete redemption 

We also must die daily to our former flesh self (our psychological will, reason, & emotions will always stand in enmity and in rebellion against God: His Promises and Holy Commandments). Let us make no provision for the flesh! (Most Christians do, because they have not been disciplined, taught by God!) 

God is at work daily in His beloved, His righteous ones, His New Creation, reconciling us in Christ, which is His Glorious Work in these latter days, until we each believe and experience His own Peace on earth, and His good Pleasure toward men, as it is also done in Heaven. [2 Corinthians 5:18,19; Matthew 2:14; John 1:3] 

Is not this Gods Holy Work, that we are found keeping Gods Torah in Spirit and in truth? [Matthew 22:37-40; John 4:19-24] Is this not True Worship to God, our Father who dwells in Heaven? [John 3:121] 

This Gospel of the Kingdom is the keeping of the second Table of the law, by which we certainly love our neighbor, even as we also wish to be loved? [Romans 13:8-14] Thus, Mature Christians keep Gods Torah! 

This Gospel Covenant Promise, revealed to Father Abraham, according to Gods Goodness (tov), Grace (channan) & Mercy (chesed) is a partial fulfillment (Jesuss First Coming in His priestly role) followed by a complete fulfillment (Jesuss Second Coming destroys the works of Satan), vested in His Royal robes and duly crowned as King of kings) fulfilling Gods revelation to Abraham.The Father of Faithresulting in Gods  Heavenly Blessing to All the families of the earth. [Genesis 22:7,8; Genesis 21:8-10; Revelation 19:11-16] This, then, is the Biblical Grammar of our Christian Faith, in Spirit and in Truth! Soli Deo Gloria! Amen.