Entered-Run-Finish the Race 

(past-present-future tenses) 

Accepting the Reality of What Weve Been Exposed to 

Our beliefs are what they are. The sum total of our beliefs forms our overall philosophy or as Brother Jim said our essence. Consciously[un], anything that doesnt align with our philosophy, we quickly dismiss or ignore. We search for any plausible reason as justification to discredit the messenger or reject the message. We live in created comfort zones (or uncomfortable). We view things from a comfort perspective and dislike or avoid anything that challenges our philosophy, our accepted reality. Most of us believe as others believe, do as others do, and change when others change. We seek pleasure and will do anything to avoid pain or humiliation. When asked why we took certain actions, we respond in robotic fashion with: they said I could’ ‘thats the law, everyone else is doing it that way, or those were my only options. Experience  reveals that Truth is rarely placed neatly in front of us; and more often than not    it must be uncovered, learned, and then applied in order to have any relevance whatsoever. Ultimately, we are both responsible and accountable for that which we choose or allow. 


A Fiction is something untrue that is intentionally represented as true; something assuassua assumed to be true for the sake of convenience, though probably false.   By definition, all fictions are, of necessity,  a  duality   comprised   of   two   elemental   componentsi.e. 1) something intentionally represented as trueby its source and 2)  something assumed to  be  true’  by  its audience.  That said, there are at least two parties needed for the manifestation of every fictionthe one who creates it and the one who accepts   it. A fiction cannot exist on its own because it has no inherent authority to do so.  It  lives, thrives, and survives only on Acceptance as its sole source of authority. Accordingly, authority resides  with  the audience and can only be granted by them.  The more acceptance it receives the more authoritative and rooted it becomes the more real it becomes in our lives the more comfortable we get embracing it the more we accept it  as  reality  ↔  the  more comfortable we get propagating it as truth  for its original creator.