
About Mike Balloun

Mike Balloun has been pouring his life into ministry for many years. His travels have taken him to places such as India, Israel, China, Malaysia, as well as numerous others around the globe equipping pastors to teach the Word of God more accurately. He has been a born-again believer for over 50 years, and a teacher of the Bible for over 30 years.

Revelation Chapter 2 (pt 1)

By |2016-10-24T06:27:42-05:00July 2nd, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

Revelation Revealed Series THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST [CHAPTER 2] Revelation Chapter 2 pt 1 PASSOVER BLOOD IS OVER THE DOOR…..now it  is about removing the leaven. Each of the 7 letters are made up of: An introduction, the state of the Church, and the promises to those who overcome. The present state [...]

Revelation Revealed Series [Introduction]

By |2017-03-11T08:23:01-06:00June 18th, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

UNDERSTANDING THE SOON COMING DESTRUCTION OF THIS WORLD, ESPECIALLY AS FORETOLD AND DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Revelation means the taking off of a veil. The Book is prophetic in nature. It is the Mystery of Jesus Christ. The implication is it is impossible to the understanding of man [...]

Working Out the Salvation of Our Souls

By |2016-10-24T06:27:43-05:00June 11th, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

Working Out the Salvation of Our Souls SAVING THE SOUL……THE HOPE OF GLORY. “Saving the soul” is not the same as being saved from eternal death. "Salvation" of the soul is a reward, not a gift. The reward has to do with the soul choosing to love God more than the World. Saving [...]

Being God-Conscious in an Ungodly World

By |2016-10-24T06:27:43-05:00June 4th, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

Being God-Conscious in an Ungodly World While meditating on the World and what it consist of and what its purposes are, we discover that the World in all its varied forms had nothing to appeal to or suit our Lord Jesus Christ. In none of all the inner circles of the World, politics, [...]

Parallels of satan and his kingdom in Habakkuk

By |2016-10-24T06:27:43-05:00May 28th, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

Parallels of satan and his kingdom in Habakkuk Scripture says: “Behold, his soul which is lifted up (puffed up),  is not upright in him,…….” [Habakkuk 2:4] This is the answer of God to the prophet questioning His allowing such destruction to come upon His People. That answer being after God has served his [...]

The Two Witnesses of Revelation

By |2016-10-24T06:27:43-05:00April 30th, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

The Two Witnesses of Revelation, Judas, and The End-time Greater Passover “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days….”  [Revelation 11:3] Can we see the Book of Revelation as the describing of the Kingdom Passover? [Luke 22:15,16] The former Passover [...]

New Covenant Application of Passover

By |2016-10-24T06:27:43-05:00April 23rd, 2016|Videos, YouTube|

New Covenant Application of Passover [John 6] THE BLOOD AND THE FLESH OF JESUS WE MUST DRINK AND EAT DAILY……..Key text: John chapter 6. Behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the WORLD…..The entire World is “Egypt” to God. Let us come out of Egypt, let us not remain [...]

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